01. HOME...

.Drawing ::Sonic stuff
.Fandom::Sonic The Hedgehog
.Listening ::命辛辛/吉乃(cover)
.Watching ::Cowboy Beebop. im being hold at gun point
  • Busy with IRL stuff (bad health).

  • Working on commissions.

  • Might try to do some comics :)

⨻ — Warning : Tomfoolery ahead. Hey there, welcome to my carrd ! Here you'll learn a bit about me and my social media in gen. Have fun!

›Welcome to my insanity․․

Gen info . . .    
.call me..pronouns..body age..timezone..b-day.
void , rekoit / he19yroPST26/12
.DMs..comms..requests..art trades..roleplay.

Heyo, we are Woodland, a plural system composed of about 20+ headmates. You'll mostly be talking to Reko (me), Silas and Yuro though.We like to post drawings and deranged ramblings. I'm MULTIFANDOM and I tend to have phases on staying on one fandom for a year then move to the next one most of the time, LMFAO.

02. ABOUT...

> Loading user
.Role :.Main Host , trauma holder
.Gender :.Agender man + xenogenders.
.Sexuality :Grey aroace, panromantic, androsexual.


Ayo, we are the Cabin In The Woods System. We are a fictive heavy collective of folk in one body, don't overthink it; We have OSDD-1.We're mexican, trans, and disabled by our autism, adhd and what-have-you.We've been furries since we can remember gettin' a hold of the internet, and been in furry circles for a long time.Our motto's do whatever you want forever as long as you don't hurt anyone, cringe is a thing invented by the government to keep you from being cool. /j